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What Is In-Country Support?

As a volunteer abroad, you will be faced with many challenges on a daily basis. Most of them will be small, manageable challenges, while others may be a bit larger. No matter what you face, your volunteer abroad in-country coordinator will be there for you. Perhaps you’re having trouble with your host family or you want to switch your work placement. Or maybe you just want some advice on the best form of transportation to take to a nearby city. Your volunteer abroad in-country coordinator will be able to provide you with all the support and advice that you need to make your time abroad more comfortable. The role of the volunteer abroad in-country support and the services they provide will be explained in more detail further in the article.

Who Is My In-Country Coordinator Or Local Staff?

In general, most volunteer abroad organizations follow one of two models. The main model is that they have their own volunteer abroad in-country field office with staff members, such as cooks, drivers, coordinators, etc. This team makes up your volunteer abroad in-country support. In the other model, the volunteer abroad organizations work through local volunteer organizations and take on the role of the middleman. In these cases, the head of the local organization serves as your volunteer abroad in-country support.

What Does My In-Country Support Do For Me?

In-country support staff is responsible for a number of things. From the moment you arrive in your host country, to the moment you leave, they are there for you. Although the responsibilities of your in-country coordinator and staff differ from organization to organization, below are some of the main services that they provide:

  • Airport pick-up and transfer to host family or work site
  • Management of room and foodin host family/hostel
  • Orientation of local country, culture, host family, safety, and related issues
  • Introduction to your host family and project staff
  • Periodic follow up visits or calls (1-2 week intervals) to ensure everything is going smoothly
  • Advice for solving any issues, problems, or concerns

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Do I Need To Stay In Touch With My In-Country Support?

It is vital that you maintain a comfortable relationship with your volunteer abroad in-country coordinator and support staff and that they are familiar with who you are and the work you are doing. Make sure you have their phone number, email, and local address for easy contact. Should anything happen (sickness, project issues, emergencies, etc) you must know how to get in touch with them.

Once you decide to venture abroad to live or work, a whole new vista of experience opens up for you. From the moment you get onto the aeroplane, everything is new, different and exciting. The smells, sounds, the people, the weather, the language, the environment, food tastes different, flowers and trees are more exotic … It’s a wonderful, eye-opening experience and one that you’ll never forget.

But initially it can also be a little scary. That’s why our Country Consultants and In-Country Staff all help you with advice and guidance each step of the way, starting with helping you to choose the best place and the most suitable projects for you. And they continue to give assistance for the duration of your stay.


Our No. 1 priority is to ensure that you are in a safe environment while on your project. With this firmly in mind, we only start new destinations that are politically stable and safe. Where a situation changes (as happened in China with the SARS epidemic, for example), our staff in the UK and our local staff overseas constantly monitor the situation. If we think that your safety is compromised, we will immediately take steps to remove you from the unsafe environment.

We are constantly in contact with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and this supplements the information received from our local staff on the ground..

Support from our Local Overseas Staff:

We have excellent, paid, local support and back-up staff teams in all our destination countries and they are there to assist with any concerns, advice and administration. They are contactable 24 hours a day and we are in constant liaison with them about you and your placement. They look after you during your stay and liaise with our partner organizations to ensure that your placement provides maximum benefit to both you and them. They can also give you help or advice on your teaching/work responsibilities and the practical aspects of living abroad.

Their local knowledge is invaluable and they can direct you to all the most impressive sights and tourist attractions to visit, as well as the beauty spots that are off the beaten track! They will also advise you on any safety issues specific to places that you may want to visit during your free time.

On Your Arrival:

Our local in-country manager will meet you at the nearest international airport, without additional charge, regardless of whether we’ve booked your flights or you’ve chosen to book them yourself. This is because we’re very aware of how daunting it can be to travel for the first time to a strange country. A friendly face to welcome you is very reassuring!

On very rare occasions we may use a reputable approved local transfer company to pick up volunteers from the airport, but usually you’ll be met by a member of our overseas staff, who will hold up a MAASAILAND EXPLORER sign or one with your name on.

Placements and Projects:
Before you go on your placement, we’ll send you lots of information to help you prepare. Before leaving your home country, you’ll be given (amongst other things):

  • Contact information,e. the address and telephone number of your Overseas Maasailand Explorer Manager and, where relevant, the contact details of your host work organization.
  • You’re Placement– this is a booklet filled with information about your placement. It includes information on flights, visas, local transport, currency, the cost of living, medical info, insurance info, what to take with you, dress code and a host of other things.
  • You’re Project– detailed information about your specific project or projects.
  • You’re Country– a booklet containing general information about the country you’re going to, including the town or city, the people, the culture, places worth visiting while you’re there, including photos.
  • If you’re doing a teaching placement, we also send you a Teaching Guideto help you prepare. This will assist you in planning lessons and give you ideas for topics to use in your classes.
  • You will also receive a Safety Guidewith travel tips, put together by Maasailand Explorer to help you travel safely.
  • An ID Card– This is a wallet-sized card with your photo and the address and telephone numbers of Maasailand Explorer Overseas office and our local office here in Tanzania. It’s laminated (makes a good souvenir!) and is easy and convenient to carry around with you.
  • Flights and Travel:You can arrange your own flights or we can assist you with your flight arrangements.

During the first few days after your arrival you’ll receive an Induction. The depth and length varies according to country, but will include useful information on:

  • Local banks, local transport, money, the telephone system, etc., and where these are different and/or complex, we’ll show you how to use them.
  • You’ll be taken around the local area, often on local transport that you may need to use during your placement (this could be a bus, train, tro-tro, metro, matatu, tuk-tuk …)
  • Location of the post office, where to change money and internet facilities, etc.
  • Advice on safety, local customs and code of behavior.


Our Happy Clients!

Our Tanzania trip was fabulous. Spotting the Tree-climbing lions and Black Rhino was unforgettable. Thanks for fulfilling our dreams. We’ll be back soon!


Clara Smith

From USA

Thank you, Maasai Land Wonders Team, for your exceptional care during  my  3 Months  Volunteering program. A thousand thanks for an unforgettable experience.


Shelly Barns

Stockhom Sweden

Thank you, Edwin and your team, for an amazing 7-day  trip. Your personal care and dedication made it unforgettable. 1000 thanks!


Jacob Luke

Paris , France

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